Call 911
- Do not move the injured unless there is an immediate, life-threatening situation. If you believe they may have been electrocuted, do not touch them for any reason.
- Follow the instructions of the 911 emergency dispatcher. If necessary, they will send an ambulance to assist you.
- Notify the Harvard University Police Department by called (617) 432-1212.
- Send someone to retrieve the First Aid Kit and AED if available.
- Send someone to guide responders to the location of the person needing assistance.
- Contact the HMS/HSDM Facilities Office at (617) 432-1901 for custodial or EH&S support if necessary.
Tips for reporting an injury or illness
- Location of injury or illness?
- How many people need help?
- What type of injury or illness do they have? Life threatening or not?
- Do you know how they became injured?
- Is someone providing medical care already?
If you are trained, equipped, and it is safe for you to do so, provide basic First Aid
- Check to see if the person can talk.
- If not, can the person make eye contact?
If the person is awake:
- Try to keep them warm and talking.
If the person is not awake:
- If you are trained and properly equipped, assess the need for CPR.
- Always wear the proper protective equipment before providing any type of medical assistance.
If CPR is required:
- Begin CPR and follow the AED instructions.
If there is severe bleeding:
- Provide bandages to the injured.
- Following the guidance from the American Red Cross, ask the injured to apply firm steady pressure over the injured area until professional assistance can arrive.
- Do not remove or replace bandages.
- Add additional bandages if necessary.
- If the individual is unable to apply pressure themselves and if you are properly protected, you may assist them.