Welcome to Harvard Medical School
Here you will find a community of medical educators, clinicians, researchers, physician-scientists, and students united in a common mission: To nurture a diverse, inclusive community dedicated to alleviating human suffering and improving health and well-being for all. Our unparalleled spirit of drive and collaboration sparks vital discoveries and creative approaches to education, clinical care, and research and sets a standard for discovery and service emulated around the world.
Since its founding in 1872, HMS has been a leader in medicine and biomedical science. Over the centuries it has become an epicenter for research and world-class patient care, preparing leaders committed to addressing the health challenges of today and tomorrow who are devoted to delivering the best care possible to future generations.
I am proud to lead this distinguished institution and I am inspired every day by the work and accomplishments of the colleagues I am privileged to serve. I welcome your involvement in and support for our community, one that is dedicated to safeguarding and improving the health of humankind.
George Q. Daley
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Harvard University