From the Dean

There’s a “delicious alchemy” to Harvard Medical School, observed the late Daniel Federman, former dean for medical education. Indeed, a special kind of chemistry occurs when we, the people of HMS, come together in support of something greater than ourselves.

I would add that what happens here has expanded beyond chemistry. We’ve become a powerful magnet for innovation and opportunity.

Cover of Harvard Medical School's Dean's Report 2024 titled 'The Magnetic Pull of Harvard Medical School.
View the print issue of the 2024 Dean's Report

Our School attracts world-renowned faculty, who maintain a fundamental focus on research and translational impact; outstanding students, who excel across a full spectrum of clinical and academic activities; assiduous postdoctoral trainees, who chart the course for the scientific enterprise; and talented staff, who are instrumental in achieving our highest ambitions.

In the past year, the magnetic quality of HMS has expressed itself in several ways. First, through our ability to bring people together across specialties and sectors to solve society’s most pressing challenges related to health and well-being. Second, through the brilliance of star members of our community, who illuminate the path ahead. And third, through our embrace of transformative technologies — most recently, artificial intelligence, which we are harnessing to accelerate every aspect of our mission.

Our magnetism both arises from and strengthens our resilience, diversity, and palpable spirit of inquiry, compelling us to settle for nothing short of excellence.

Banner image: The curve of the Vanderbilt Hall facade evokes the centripetal force with which HMS draws in passionate experts from around the world to converge on solutions that improve human health.