First Encounter September 18, 2019 Forced sexual initiation has far-reaching physical, mental health consequences
Heart of the Matter July 2, 2019 Millions of Americans with cardiovascular diseases remain uninsured after ACA
Pro-Athlete Mortality Gap May 24, 2019 Differences in risk suggest the existence of sport-specific disease mechanisms
Behind the Scenes March 20, 2019 Harvard Catalyst leads development of tools changing biomedical research
Decarbonizing Health Care December 19, 2018 Until recently, climate change was seen as a distant prospect—something that would affect future…
A Stronger Sense of Community October 3, 2018 Center for Primary Care programs support family medicine initiatives
Fighting Disparity Online June 15, 2018 Social media may help women in medicine overcome gender barriers
ACA Bright Spot April 2, 2018 Access and health outcomes improved in previously uninsured adults after ACA
Glaring Absence of Women July 13, 2017 More women are now faculty in physical medicine and rehabilitation, but why so few awards?
Prizewinning Disparity April 27, 2017 Study finds women physicians under-represented in prestigious awards