Hiding in Plain Sight April 14, 2020 Asking the right questions can lead to surprising insights into the data we see every day
Paying the Price March 3, 2020 Health care spending for homeless population 2.5 times more than nonhomeless population
Hospital Mergers and Quality of Care January 16, 2020 The quality of care at hospitals acquired in recent wave of consolidation stayed the same or got…
Health Boost January 6, 2020 Study links southern states’ Medicaid expansion with better health status
Spinning Inequality December 16, 2019 Male scientists more likely than female colleagues to use language framing their research findings…
Primary Care Declines in America December 16, 2019 First national study tracking primary care use over last decade raises concern
Herpes' Achilles' Heel December 11, 2019 Experiments pinpoint weak spot that can make the virus susceptible to gene editing
Youth Tobacco Epidemic November 14, 2019 Former FDA commissioner calls for ban on pod-based e-cigarettes
Too Good to Be True? November 4, 2019 Study offers alternative explanation for decline in readmission rates under pay-for-performance
The Speed of Discovery October 17, 2019 Len Blavatnik returns to HMS, discusses philanthropy, science
Online Birth Control September 25, 2019 Secret-shopper-style study shows prescription services overall safe, efficient