Alvin Poussaint, Advocate for Black Mental Health and Social Justice, Dies February 26, 2025 Psychiatrist, civil rights activist worked for more than 50 years at Harvard Medical School
How Muscle, Fat Tissues Respond to Exercise, Obesity October 13, 2022 First-of-its-kind study reveals single-cell changes in metabolic tissues
An Enzyme’s Protective Role March 10, 2022 Long-running study leads to potential therapeutic target for people with type 1 diabetes.
Signaling Defects September 14, 2021 Differences in cellular signaling offer clues to insulin resistance
Delay Tactics July 21, 2021 3 proteins may prevent progression to end-stage renal disease in diabetes
The Guts of Our Ancestors May 12, 2021 Findings reveal insights about the evolution of gut microbes in response to diet and environment
Microbial Fingerprinting August 14, 2019 In a first, scientists map the genetic diversity of microbes residing in the human gut and mouth
Microbiotic Fuel July 2, 2019 Bacterium found in microbiomes of elite athletes improves exercise capacity in mice
Breast Milk and Obesity May 31, 2019 New research suggests the composition of breast milk in normal weight mothers differs from that of…