Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Contact the Athletic Director's Office

  • Are there lockers available?

    Yes. Day lockers are available to keep your personal items while you use the Facility. It is suggested that you bring your own padlock to secure your items.

    There are also lockers available to rent. Email the Athletic Director for more information.

  • Showers?

    Yes. We have showers for both men and women.

  • Is there a towel service?

    No. Users should bring in their own towel if they wish to take showers. Towels may only be kept overnight in rented lockers.

  • Is there a Lost and Found?

    Yes. The Lost and Found is kept in a secured area. If you think you may have lost a personal item at the Athletic Facility, email the Athletic Director or call 617-432-1942.

  • How do I check out equipment?

    Squash, Tennis, Badminton, and other recreation equipment is available for students and members. Email the Athletic Director to borrow equipment.

  • Do you offer short-term or month-to-month membership?

    No. At this time we require all members to sign-up for the entire membership year. The membership year is from July 1 to June 30. Members who join later in the year will have their membership fee prorated. At the end of the membership year, members may let their membership expire or renew for the next year.

  • Is there a swimming pool?

    No. Our facility does not have a pool.

  • Am I allowed to bring a guest?

    Yes. Members and students may invite guests to use the facility but the management reserves the right to refuse guests at its discretion. A member may host a maximum of one guest per day. All guests must be 18 years of age or older, submit a valid form of ID to the security officer, and be accompanied by a member at all times while using the facility. It is the member's responsibility to insure that guests are aware of, and follow the center's rules and regulations. Guests are required to complete the Terms of Use form.

    Members must pay for guests with Crimson Cash until August 1st. When a member brings a guest to the facility, the security officer will slide the member's card through the card reader and deduct $10 from the member's Crimson Cash account.

    After August 1st, the Crimson Cash Program will be retired, information on guest processing after August 1st will be shared at a later date. 

  • Do you offer alumni and family memberships?

    No.  Our facility is not staffed or set-up to accommodate people without a Harvard ID card.