Alvin Poussaint, Advocate for Black Mental Health and Social Justice, Dies February 26, 2025 Psychiatrist, civil rights activist worked for more than 50 years at Harvard Medical School
Med Ed Dean Announces Transition to New Role November 2, 2022 Beginning summer 2023, Hundert to serve as alumni liaison, fundraiser, maintaining faculty duties
Honoring Social Justice Efforts December 2, 2021 Inaugural HMS awards program recognizes work done to advance equity, justice, advocacy
Teaching Excellence Honored at HMS November 10, 2020 HMS faculty, staff recognized at 2020 Daniel D. Federman awards ceremony
Dissecting a Disease May 18, 2020 Mass. consortium holds inaugural public briefing on efforts to combat COVID-19
Option to Serve March 28, 2020 Graduating med students given early degree option to help in COVID-19 fight
Behind the Scenes March 20, 2019 Harvard Catalyst leads development of tools changing biomedical research
Decarbonizing Health Care December 19, 2018 Until recently, climate change was seen as a distant prospect—something that would affect future…
A Stronger Sense of Community October 3, 2018 Center for Primary Care programs support family medicine initiatives