Becoming an User of the Microfabrication Facility

The HMS Microfluidics/Microfabrication Core Facility thanks you for your interest in becoming an user of our laboratory.
Follow these steps to gain access to the facility:

  1. Email with the following information:
  • Full name
  • Title (grad student, post doc, staff)
  • Email
  • Lab
  • Department
  • Harvard ID number
  • Billing code or PO#
  • Finance contact name
  • Email of the finance contact

2. Attend the Microfluidics Safety Orientation. This is a 2 hour session that focuses on introducing the new users to the policies, hazards, and safety requirements in the laboratory. This also covers the locations of safety equipment. Please contact Calixto_saenz at to schedule a session.

Pricing (Effective from July 1st 2024)

There are different categories of user fees for the facilities.
User ClassificationReg. UseAssistance/Spec. TrainingFabricationConsultingT. Evaporator
  • The usage of all equipment is already included in the regular use charges, we also provide some consumables such as gowning, solvents, and materials used in the photolithography and softlithopgraphy process.
  • Industry or Commercial users interested in using the facility or services, please Contact us for more information about specific fees and policies.
  • Charges are generated by rounding up the total hours per day.

We are now providing services for PDMS device fabrication!

Contact us with any questions.