Local resources for professional integrity policies

September 5, 2023

Dear Members of the HMS and HSDM Communities:

On Friday, you received a University-wide email about Harvard’s new non-discrimination and anti-bullying (NDAB) policies, which were announced in the spring and went into effect on Sept. 1. The policies reflect Harvard’s ongoing commitment to foster an environment in which everyone is treated with respect and can flourish in our community.

An implementation committee has been working over the last several months to develop the resources and reporting processes to support these essential policies and procedures. We encourage you to review and familiarize yourselves with the NDAB information, FAQs, and resources available on the University’s community conduct webpage.

Each of us shares a responsibility in preventing harassment, discrimination, and bullying both within and beyond our campus community. For those employed at our affiliated hospitals and research institutes, please know that we will be working with your leadership on the implementation of these policies in collaboration with your primary institutions.

Importantly, each school has appointed local designated resources (LDRs) who will coordinate with Harvard’s central office regarding support and resolution, complaints, training, and educational initiatives relevant to the NDAB policies.

The LDRs for HMS are:

The LDRs for HSDM are:

A full list of University LDRs is also available online. Additional information about the NDAB policies and local resources are available on the HMS Office for Academic and Research Integrity’s professional integrity webpage. Please note that University policies have replaced existing School policies effective Sept. 1.

In addition to the University’s Office for Gender Equity and University Disability Resources, Harvard is in the process of establishing a new Office for Community Conduct. These offices, in collaboration with LDRs and additional partners across the University, will continue to gather input, expand training options, provide resources, and engage community members in how we can best support the values these NDAB policies and procedures uphold.

Additionally, valuable resources are available to our communities from the Harvard Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging, led by Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Sherri Charleston; the HMS Office for Diversity Inclusion and Community Partnership, led by Dean Joan Reede; and the HSDM Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, led by Assistant Dean Fadie Coleman.

We look forward to sharing details in the coming weeks about opportunities for members of the HMS and HSDM communities to participate in educational sessions and dialogue on these important topics.


George Q. Daley
Dean of the Faculty of Medicine
Harvard University

William V. Giannobile
Dean, Harvard School of Dental Medicine