Hub and Home New student center at HMS fosters collaboration, community By BOBBIE COLLINS September 19, 2018 Education Read the related stories: A Place to Think and Latest TMEC Renovations Nearly Complete. All images by Bethany Versoy. ...Hub and HomeNew Student Study and Collaboration Center encourages community and connection.New Student Study and Collaboration Center encourages community and connection.focallength 24flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 4exposuretime 0.01camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 3:53:20 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIA reception and ribbon cutting ceremony on Sept. 6 officially opened the Student Study and Collaboration Center, which adjoins the TMEC Atrium.focallength 24flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 4exposuretime 0.0166666675camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:12:58 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIThe new center is “a testament to the administration’s dedication to the students,” said MD student Derek Soled.focallength 65flash 9cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 3.5exposuretime 0.0125camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:32:12 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIEdward Hundert (right), dean for medical education, pointed out that the space was designed with student input. David Golan and Jane Neill look on.focallength 30flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 4exposuretime 0.008camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:21:58 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIThe “living room” area of the center, complete with electric hearth, allows for informal gathering as well as study.focallength 28flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 3.2exposuretime 0.00625camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 3:50:51 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark II“We hope this is going to be a study space and convening space for the medical and dental students and the graduate students,” said Dean George Q. Daley. focallength 42flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 4.5exposuretime 0.0125camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:24:00 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIDavid Golan said he sees the study center as a space where HMS, HSDM, master’s and doctoral students can come together naturally and generate collaborations in mutual areas of interest.focallength 70flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 3.2exposuretime 0.0166666675camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 9:46:27 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS-1D Mark IV Nivanthika Wimalasena, a PhD student in neurobiology, said she talked to more medical students in the new center in one day than she had met in the past year.focallength 61flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 4exposuretime 0.01camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:34:08 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIBreezy spaces and open-concept seating encourage the mixing of students and ideas, while smaller rooms off the main suite can be used for individual or small-group study.focallength 24flash 16cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 5exposuretime 0.0166666675camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 3:55:56 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IICutting the ribbon. From left: Jane Neill, Edward Hundert, Nivanthika Wimalasena, Derek Soled, George Q. Daley, David Golan and Bruce Macintyre.cameramake Canonfocallength 28height 2000fnumber 3.5exposuretime 0.01camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:45:03 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark IIJane Neill, associate dean for medical education planning and administration, cuts the celebratory cake. Neill, who headed up the project, thanked all who contributed to the planning and construction of the new space.focallength 24flash 9cameramake Canonheight 2000fnumber 3.5exposuretime 0.01camerasoftware Adobe Photoshop Lighoriginaldate 9/6/2018 4:46:58 PMwidth 3000cameramodel Canon EOS 5D Mark II
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