On the third floor of the Tosteson Medical Education Center, where once there was an old autoclave room and unused cold storage facilities, there is now a suite of modern offices overlooking the Harvard Medical School Quadrangle. The area, complete with new desks, carpeting, paint, storage and plenty of light, provides airy working space for the Scholars in Medicine Office and the Office of Learning Resources and Support.
Downstairs, on the east side of the TMEC atrium, brand new office spaces now house the Office of Student Affairs, including Dean for Students Fidencio Saldaña, advisors and staff for four of the five HMS academic societies, and the Office of Recruitment and Multicultural Affairs. Where once the society offices were split along each side of the atrium, now students can find all their advisors in one place. Together, these new offices on the second and third floors of TMEC total 5,300 square feet.
“I love it. It’s one big happy family,” said Denise Brown, staff assistant in Student Affairs. “We’re all together. It’s one of the things I like about it.”
The latest round of TMEC renovations began when 2017 Class Day exercises concluded last May. Repairs to the TMEC atrium ceiling took place first, followed in the fall by demolition and renovations in the new academic societies area. Brown and her colleagues were able to move into their new quarters in February.
“We’re really excited about these renovations and this consolidation of student support,” said Jane Neill, associate dean for medical education, planning and administration. “The faculty are also really enjoying the opportunity to interact and collaborate with each other.”
The London Society office remains nearby in its current location off the TMEC Atrium.
The new Office of Student Affairs suite features meeting space equipped with computer work stations for students and faculty to use when working together, small conference rooms for private meetings and sleek modern furnishings. The interior design features frosted glass and HMS-centric artwork that highlights meaningful moments in students’ lives, such as White Coat Day, Match Day and Class Day, making the new spaces both inviting and personal.
New student study center
Across the atrium, high plywood walls currently block ongoing construction in what will soon be a 4,700 square-foot student study and collaboration center that will feature an electric fireplace and comfortable modern furniture in a living room setting, along with study carrels, group study rooms and windows that will look out across the Seeley G. Mudd courtyard.
This reading room, study area will be open to all those enrolled in HMS/HSDM programs, including MD, master’s, dental and PhD students. Nearby, an upgraded vending area provides microwaves, snacks and coffee machines for late-night study sessions.
This most recent round of construction, slated for completion by graduation this spring, constitutes the third phase of renovations undertaken in TMEC in the last five years, beginning with the Clinical Skills Center in 2013 and four Learning Studio suites, which were opened in 2015.