Infants and COVID Antibodies February 14, 2022 Vaccination during pregnancy results in more persistent antibody levels in infants
What Lies Ahead February 11, 2022 HMS experts weigh in on future of pandemic, vaccine for young children
Disparities in COVID Vaccination February 2, 2022 People of color in the US less likely to be vaccinated than those in the UK
Depression and COVID Vaccine Misinformation January 24, 2022 Study links depressive symptoms, belief in false statements
Illuminating COVID January 14, 2022 Model reveals biological markers differ based on patient characteristics, treatment response
Pregnancy and the Delta Variant January 13, 2022 Study links SARS-CoV-2 variant, cases of stillbirth, pregnancy complications
Detecting Lung Cancer from a Drop of Blood December 14, 2021 Discovery paves way for early-stage lung cancer screening
Time of Day and COVID Antibody Response December 8, 2021 Study: antibody levels differ by time of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine administration
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines and Cancer November 10, 2021 Vaccines safe and immunogenic in most people with cancer.