Above and Beyond

Award recognizes exceptional staff member for excellence

Nkwanzi Sabiti (left) and Marcia Arndt. Image: Elsa Fong
Nkwanzi Sabiti (left) and Marcia Arndt. Image: Elsa Fong

Nkwanzi Sabiti, staff assistant at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine Department of Oral Medicine, Infection and Immunity is the recipient of the 2018 Dolores J. Brown Staff Award, given each year to a Harvard Medical School or HSDM staffer who serves as a shining example of supporting the School’s mission through daily practices.

“I work with the most amazing colleagues, faculty and students, so I cannot help but give back all that I receive from them,” said Sabiti after receiving the award. Noting that being nominated and receiving the award came as a surprise, Sabiti said she felt humbled to be this year’s recipient.

The Dolores J. Brown Staff Award recognizes a staff member who has a record of outstanding service to colleagues and the School, demonstrating respect for the School’s mission and helping to create a welcoming, friendly and inclusive work environment.

Established in 2001 by the family of Dolores J. Brown, an assistant to Daniel C. Tosteson, HMS dean from 1985 to 1997 and dean emeritus from 1997 to 2000, the award honors Brown’s memory and her contribution to HMS. Each year the award pays tribute to an exceptional staff member who exemplifies the same spirit and commitment that Brown demonstrated through her outstanding service to the School.

Brown’s daughter, Marcia Arndt, presented this year’s award to Sabiti at a ceremony in the Gordon Hall Waterhouse Room on May 14. Approximately 50 guests filled the room including Arndt and her husband and the other nominees and nominators from across HMS and HSDM.

At the presentation ceremony, Charles Frizzell, HSDM Dean for Administration and Finance, congratulated Sabiti on behalf of the HSDM community.

“We’re so proud to have Nkwanzi represent us in accepting this prestigious award,” he told the room, noting Sabiti’s commitment and dedication to Harvard and the mission of the School of Dental Medicine.

Judy Vance, HSDM director of human resources, also presented, lauding the nominees for their consistent dedication to the Schools.

This year’s field of candidates was large, said Kathleen McDaniel, HMS chief human resources officer.

The Dolores J. Brown Staff Award. Image: Elsa Fong
The Dolores J. Brown Staff Award. Image: Elsa Fong

“We received nominations for 14 outstanding individuals, making the selection process a challenging one,” she said. The award is chosen by an ad hoc committee comprised of representatives across HMS and HSDM.

“[Sabiti’s] nominations, submitted by several of her colleagues, demonstrate her commitment to HSDM,” said McDaniel. Among the many qualities that made her—according to one nomination—a “model administrator,” Sabiti’s nominators noted in particular her work ethic and intelligence, as well as highlighting her compassion, interpersonal skills and sense of humor.

McDaniel commended Sabiti for serving as a role model and valued member of the School’s staff and said this year’s committee concluded that Sabiti “goes above and beyond on a daily basis” and was an excellent choice for the award.

“Both Dolores J. Brown and this award inspire me to give my best daily and hopefully be a blessing to others whose paths I cross,” wrote Sabiti after receiving the award, which was engraved with an excerpt from the Walt Whitman poem “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd.”