Mental Health Gets a Boost in Texas June 15, 2021 $10 Million Lone Star Prize includes support for scale-up of HMS EMPOWER initiative
Fighting Chaos with Care April 1, 2021 Why community trust, engagement must be cornerstones of pandemic response
Anti-Racist Epidemiology February 10, 2021 Research suggests reparations for slavery could have reduced U.S COVID-19 infections and deaths
Rethinking Health and Human Rights December 16, 2020 Paul Farmer awarded Berggruen Prize for Philosophy and Culture
Promising Progress August 5, 2020 New generation of drugs show early efficacy against drug-resistant TB
COVID-19 Context Clues April 21, 2020 Social medicine offers insight into pandemic’s path, roadmap to more resilient future
Seek, Test, Treat March 24, 2020 In nations with limited lab capacity, physicians turn to new point-of-care rapid COVID-19 tests