Finding a Link? September 4, 2013 Researchers ID a previously unknown genetic variant associated with an increased risk of CHD in…
Contagious Savings August 27, 2013 Lower costs from commercial Alternative Quality Contract spill over to patients not covered by the…
Membrane Composition Linked to Insulin Resistance August 13, 2013 Newly discovered small molecule boosts insulin signaling
Inspiring Support for Women June 26, 2013 Martin Samuels was recently honored with the 2013 Joseph B. Martin Dean's Leadership Award for the…
Teaching Haiti to Heal May 22, 2013 New Mirebalais University Hospital will train next generation of caregivers
Spontaneous Mutations May 15, 2013 Findings clarify genetic puzzle in heart condition that affects thousands of newborns
Establishing Health Equity In Rwanda April 2, 2013 Rwanda's Health Minister shares her nation's remarkable story
Stephen Elledge Wins Gairdner Award March 20, 2013 HMS geneticist honored for work on the DNA damage response