Sanjay Gupta to Address MD/DMD Class of 2023

Neurosurgeon, Emmy winner, medical correspondent to give Class Day address

Man in a blue suit and stripe tie smiling
Sanjay Gupta. Image: Courtesy of CNN

Sanjay Gupta, neurosurgeon, author, and chief medical correspondent for CNN, will be the featured keynote speaker at the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine MD/DMD 2023 Class Day ceremony on May 25.

For more than 20 years, Gupta has provided in-depth reporting on medical and public health news on issues ranging from COVID-19 to overall well-being.

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“I am thrilled and honored to speak to this stellar class of future leaders in health care,” said Gupta. “As it has been 30 years since my own medical school graduation, I will humbly offer some of the lessons I have learned over that time.”