HMS and Harvard Gun Violence Research

Please email with notification of additional research so this list can be fully updated.

Reduction in Firearm Injuries during NRA Annual Conventions
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

American Medical Association: Stop Posturing and Start Problem Solving: A Call for Research to Prevent Gun Violence
Source: AMA Journal of Ethics

Addressing the Public Health Epidemic of Firearm-related Violence in America
Source: Annals of Surgery

Firearm Legislation and Firearm-Related Fatalities in the United States
Source: JAMA Internal Medicine

Guns and Suicide in the United States
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

Broken Hearts and Opened Eyes
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

The Quiet Room
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

Preventing Gun Deaths in Children
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

In Memory of Daniel-Reviving Research to Prevent Gun Violence
Source: The New England Journal of Medicine

The economic cost of firearm-related injuries in the United States from 2006 to 2010
Source: Surgery

Firearm Ownership and Violent Crime in the U.S.: An Ecologic Study
Source: American Journal of Preventive Medicine

Firearm Laws and Firearm Homicides: A Systematic Review
Source: JAMA Internal Medicine

Physician Speech and Firearm Safety: Wollschlaeger v Governor, Florida
Source: JAMA Internal Medicine

Guns, Impulsive Angry Behavior, and Mental Disorders: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication
Source: Behavioral Sciences and & the Law

US Secret Services and US Department of Education: A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates
Source: U.S. Department of Education

US Secret Services and US Department of Education: Prior Knowledge of Potential School-Based Violence
Source: REMS Technical Assistance Center

Gun-related peer-reviewed research from Harvard T.H.Chan School of Public Health

Support Services

* Our Center for Homicide Bereavement, part of our Victims of Violence program, has responded to the devastating impact of attempted and successful homicide for over 15 years. The majority of these have been the result of gun violence. It is a grant-funded free service that is a recognized sensitive response to individual, family and community needs.

Advocacy, Action and Events

Association of American Universities: AAU Board Expresses Support for Research on Gun Violence, Gun Safety

Association of American Medical Colleges: Doctors Petition Congress to Fund Research on Gun Violence

Association of American Universities: Congress Must End the Ban on Gun Violence
* CHA is home to a provider-led Social Justice Coalition that will be participating in the March for Our Lives. Institutionally, we are working to help coordinate a public health response including education/support in schools. At this time, I am not aware of plans to send a community letter, but that could certainly change.

March for Our Lives

Enough National School Walkout