Regulatory T Cells Found To Safeguard Brain Health, Memory Formation January 28, 2025 Research identifies guardian cells dwelling in the protective layers of the brain
Turbocharging CRISPR to Understand How the Immune System Fights Cancer February 28, 2024 New approach to studying immune gene function could improve treatments for cancer, other diseases
What the Pandemic Is Teaching Us About the Immune System January 3, 2024 In the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, immunology may be entering a new golden age
New Clues Into the Head-Scratching Mystery of Itch November 22, 2023 Researchers identify common microbe as previously unknown culprit behind itch
Some Benefits of Exercise Stem from the Immune System November 3, 2023 Activated by exercise, immune cells in the muscles fend off inflammation, enhance endurance
Ludwig Grants Fund Research on Neurodegeneration June 7, 2023 HMS scientists will conduct basic research on neurodegeneration with therapeutic potential
New Institute to Address Cancer, Immune, Inflammatory Diseases May 9, 2023 Historic $100 million gift given by biotech entrepreneur Gene Lay
To Boost Cancer Immunotherapy’s Fighting Power, Look to the Gut May 3, 2023 Immunotherapy has redefined cancer treatment, but not all patients experience the same benefit when…
Animation: How Bacteria Invade the Brain April 6, 2023 Research shows bacteria hijack crosstalk between nerve and immune cells to cause meningitis
New Insights into ALS March 13, 2023 Study suggests inflammatory proteins in innate immune system may damage neurons, lead to ALS
How Bacteria Invade the Brain March 1, 2023 Research shows that bacteria hijack crosstalk between nerve and immune cells to cause meningitis
How Gut Microbes Help Mend Damaged Muscles March 1, 2023 New findings suggest intestinal immune cells play a role in repairing injured muscles