How the Body Copes With Airway Closure March 6, 2024 Study in mice reveals gasping reflex triggered by cells in the lungs when the airway is restricted
How Does the Brain Make Decisions? February 21, 2024 Mouse study provides insights into communication between neurons during decision-making
How the Brain’s Compass Guides the Body February 7, 2024 A study in fruit flies reveals how the brain’s compass and steering regions make course corrections
What Happens in the Brain While Daydreaming? December 13, 2023 Observations in mice hint at role of daydreams in remodeling the brain
Building Models of the Brain to Take Them Apart December 5, 2023 Computational neuroscientist probes how the brain learns, remembers, and decides
Pursuing Three Gene Therapies for Rare Inherited Disease October 19, 2023 Researchers hope at least one will treat progressive blindness caused by Usher syndrome type 1F
Scientists Discover Previously Unknown Way Cells Break Down Proteins August 24, 2023 The mechanism degrades short-lived proteins that support brain and immune functions
How Neurons Grow Comfortable in Their Own Skin August 23, 2023 Sensory neurons develop customized nerve endings based on cues from the skin, study in mice suggests
How the Gut Signals to the Brain August 3, 2023 In a first, scientists define colon neurons specialized for sending different signals to the brain
Scientists Identify Cells Involved in Correcting Errors During Spatial Navigation July 19, 2023 Neurons become active when mice exploring a maze correct after making a wrong turn
Researchers Uncover Signal Needed for Blood-Brain Barrier July 12, 2023 The signal, produced by neurons, helps the barrier form and maintain its protective properties
7 Faculty Elected to National Academy of Sciences May 4, 2023 Scientists recognized for distinguished research achievements