New ‘Undiagnosed Disease’ Center Funded by NIH July 1, 2014 HMS affiliated hospitals form the new Harvard Center
Targeting Bone Cancer July 1, 2014 HMS researchers have utilized nanomedicine technologies to develop a drug-delivery system that can…
Too Little Sleep, Too Much Fat May 19, 2014 Too little sleep can add up to a heavy burden for children
Immune System Linked to Neurodegeneration May 2, 2014 Discovering connection between genetic variation and immunology
Aspirin Tied to Lower Colon Cancer Risk—for Some April 25, 2014 Aspirin plus colonic enzyme associated with lower colon cancer risk
Murthy to Be 2014 Class Day Speaker April 15, 2014 U.S. Surgeon General nominee and founder of Doctors for America to give keynote address at HMS
The Mammography Dilemma April 1, 2014 Complex benefits and harms of mammography require individualized approach
1 Million Children Have TB March 24, 2014 New estimate doubles old number, finds 32,000 with multidrug-resistant strains
The Mystery of LAM March 21, 2014 Rare disease in women pulls together community of researchers and patients. VIDEO