Selfless Service

HMS staffers honored for exceptional dedication 

From left, Dean for Diversity and Community Partnership Joan Reede; Jennifer Ryan, director, Office of Academic and Research Integrity; HMS Chief Human Resources Officer Julie Stanley; HMS Resident Counselor Ann Ogletree; Acting Executive Dean for Administration Lisa Muto.

Ann Ogletree, a Harvard Medical School resident counselor in student affairs, has lived and worked in the medical students’ dorm, Vanderbilt Hall, for more than 10 years, creating a home away from home for countless HMS students.

On Nov. 16, Ogletree’s years of dedicated service to the HMS community — even while undergoing treatments for stage IV cancer — were recognized and honored with the 2016 Daniel D. Federman Staff Award.

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“I’m an educator to the bone, despite my current health issues,” said Ogletree on accepting the award at a Town Hall gathering. “I am so blessed to have a whole family in the HMS community.”

Students and peers nominated Ogletree for her devotion and the selfless service she provides to the Harvard medical, dental and graduate student community.

“She has formed a close-knit and caring community in our dorm, fostered an active RA program and organized countless community events. Ann has truly made Vanderbilt not just a place to live, but a home for our students,” said Julie Stanley, chief human resources officer at HMS.

Ogletree works with 25 resident assistants, or RAs, and attributes much of her fortitude during more than six years of cancer treatment to the young men and women with whom she works in the residence hall.

“I accept this award on behalf of everyone who faithfully toils in this community, and I do so gratefully with love,” said Ogletree.

Supporting the Mission

The Daniel D. Federman Staff Award was established to honor HMS staff for exceptional institutional engagement and service in supporting the missions of HMS and Harvard School of Dental Medicine.

Federman, the HMS Carl W. Walter Distinguished Professor of Medicine who has served as both Dean for Students and Dean for Medical Education during his tenure at HMS, exemplifies more than 60 years of institutional service and civic engagement to the School.

In a videotaped address, Federman said that HMS promotes an environment where institutional service to the School’s mission is valued and recognized in students, faculty and staff.

“It is the people who put together the expression of the mission that should be recognized for their exemplary institutional service,” said Federman in the taped video message.

The awardees were nominated for their beneficial or lasting impact on the community as well as for their individual extraordinary civic contributions.

“It is an important time to recognize those individuals who have gone above and beyond,” said Joan Reede, HMS professor of medicine and dean for diversity and community partnership.

Exceptional Impact

Jennifer Ryan, director of the Office of Academic and Research Integrity, was also honored with the Federman award for exemplary service, including her role leading two major initiatives: the HMS Values Initiative and the establishment of a policy and procedures for handling Title IX allegations against faculty. Ryan also volunteered to be trained as a Title IX Designee to ensure that complaints are handled promptly and appropriately.

“Jen’s significant efforts are largely made behind the scenes and often go unacknowledged, yet her work has benefited individuals across the HMS community,” said Stanley.

Stanley added that Ryan’s contributions have had an exceptional impact on the community and she was proud to recognize those efforts with an award that pays tribute to the critical role that staff plays at HMS and HSDM.

“This award is so emblematic of our community’s commitment to the values of this institution,” said Ryan. “I am honored to be part of a community that’s committed to the common good.”

Institutional service at HMS and HSDM includes a broad range of services that enable the schools and their departments, divisions, offices and programs to operate and function while supporting the broader mission of the medical and dental schools.