Rapid Release of Dopamine Not Needed for Initiating Movement, Study Reveals

Research in mice explains why widely used Parkinson’s drug works for some symptoms but not others

Illustration of a human brain with lighted signaling pathways
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At a glance:

  • Study in mice reveals rapid release of dopamine is not needed for initiating movement but is important for activities related to reward-seeking and motivation.

  • The findings help explain why the widely used Parkinson’s drug levodopa improves movement-related symptoms but fails to ameliorate some cognitive ones.

  • The work may inform the development of new therapies that restore both slow and fast dopamine action to treat multiple symptoms.

The chemical messenger dopamine is an essential catalyst that fuels activities and behaviors ranging from movement to cognition and learning. However, neuroscientists have long debated whether these functions rely on rapid bursts of dopamine or on the neurochemical’s slower action.

A new study led by researchers at Harvard Medical School provides an answer.

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The work, conducted in mice and published Oct. 16 in Nature, shows that initiating movement doesn’t require a rapid burst of dopamine but instead relies on slow activity of the chemical over time. By contrast, reward-oriented behaviors, related to motivation and learning, rely on fast dopamine action.

“If you read up on modern dopamine neuroscience, one conclusion from that body of literature is that dopamine may act as a fast neurotransmitter to trigger and modulate movement, yet our study shows that’s not the case,” said study senior author Pascal Kaeser, professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at HMS.

The findings shed light on the molecular mechanism behind the drug levodopa (L-Dopa), widely used to treat Parkinson’s disease. A hallmark of the condition is progressively diminishing dopamine, which over time leads to tremor and stiffness as well as a range of cognitive problems, including difficulty with memory, attention, thinking, and decision-making.

The study results help explain why L-Dopa generally improves the motor symptoms in Parkinson’s, which do not require fast dopamine release, but is often worse for alleviating cognitive and memory problems, which tend to be under the control of fast dopamine signaling.

“Our work gets at the heart of the mechanism of L-Dopa action in movement. Our findings confirmed that L-Dopa enhances movement, but it does so without restoring rapid dynamics in the model we used,” said study lead author Xintong Cai, a former HMS research fellow in neurobiology.

Dopamine signaling — fast and slow

Dopamine signaling is a complex, multistep process that involves a signal-producing neuron and various signal-receiving cells. It starts when a dopamine-producing neuron is activated by an electric impulse, which triggers the release of dopamine. Dopamine molecules move outside cells and bind to receptors on the surface of signal-receiving neurons. This binding initiates a cascade of signaling processes that regulate wide-ranging activities and behaviors, from movement and reward-seeking to motivation and learning.

Authorship, funding, disclosures

Additional authors included Changliang Liu, Iku Tsutsui-Kimura, Joon-Hyuk Lee, Chong Guo, Aditi Banerjee, Jinoh Lee, Ryunosuke Amo, Yudi Xie, Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida, and Naoshige Uchida, all from Harvard University; Tommaso Patriarchi, University of Zurich; and Yulong Li, from Peking University School of Life Sciences.

The work was funded by National Institutes of Health grants R01NS103484, R01DA056109, R01DA058777358t, R01NS108740, U19NS113201, and R01MH125162 with additional support from the Dean’s Initiative Award for Innovation and from a Harvard-MIT Joint Research Grant.

Yulong Li is listed as an inventor on a patent application PCT/CN2018/107533 describing GRAB386 probes. Tommaso Patriarchi is listed as an inventor on a patent application PCT/US17/62993 describing the 387RdLight probe.