In Memoriam: Leigh McCullough, PhD

Leigh McCullough, PhD, associate clinical professor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and director of the Psychotherapy Research Program at BIDMC, died Thursday, June 7, 2012 of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. She was 67.

McCullough received her bachelor’s degree from Wheaton College in 1975, her master’s degree from Boston College in 1979 and her doctorate from Boston College in 1981. She joined the HMS faculty community at BIDMC in 1992.

McCullough, a well-known psychotherapy researcher, was also director of Psychotherapy Research at Modum Bad Hospital, Norway, and was a visiting professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She was the 1996 Voorhees Distinguished Professor at the Menninger Clinic and received a Michael Franz Basch Award from the Silvan Tomkins Institute for her contributions to the exploration of affect in psychotherapy. She also authored several books including Changing Character and Treating Affect Phobia.

McCullough is survived by her husband, John Boettiger, daughter Kelly McCullough and son Scott Hudspeth, as well as her mother Lena Colson and brothers Doug and Jim Colson.

A memorial service is being planned for the coming year.