At a glance:
Study in mice reveals high-frequency mechanical vibrations detected by nerve endings on the skin are processed in a brain region deemed to be involved primarily in sound perception.
Neurons in this brain region respond more strongly to sound and mechanical vibrations combined than to either one alone, resulting in an enhanced sensory experience.
The findings counter the canonical view of where and how the brain processes tactile sensations.
Ludwig van Beethoven began to lose his hearing at age 28 and was deaf by age 44. While the cause of his hearing loss remains a topic of scientific debate and ongoing revision, one thing is clear: Despite his hearing loss, Beethoven never ceased to compose music, likely because he was able to sense the vibrations of musical instruments and “hear” music through the sense of touch, researchers believe.
Now a study by Harvard Medical School researchers could help explain what enabled Beethoven, and other musicians, to develop an exquisitely refined sense of touch after losing their hearing.
The findings, based on experiments in mice and reported Dec. 18 in Cell, offer a tantalizing new clue into how and why the diminishment of one sense augments the other. They also add a surprising new twist in our understanding of how the brain and the body work in synchrony to process multiple sensations at the same time.
Authorship, funding, disclosures
Additional authors include Josef Turecek, Michelle M. Delisle, Ofer Mazor, Gabriel E. Romero, Malvika Dua, Zoe K. Sarafis, Alexis Hobble, Kevin T. Booth, Lisa V. Goodrich, and David P. Corey.
The work was supported by a HHMI Hannah Gray fellowship, NEI P30 Core Grant for Vision Research #EY012196, NIH grants F31 NS097344 and R35 5R35NS097344-05, the Edward R. and Anne G. Lefler Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders, and the Hock E. Tan and K. Lisa Yang Center for Autism Research.