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Harvard Medical School’s has selected the 2017 media fellows for the annual HMS Media Fellowships program.
The program, now in its 20th year, brings top health and science journalists together with preeminent researchers and physician-scientists for a week long educational immersion on the HMS campus in Boston. During each session, media fellows spend time on the HMS campus and in its affiliated hospitals and institutes to gain a deeper understanding of the spectrum of research and state of the science in a particular area.
Reporters meet with a range of experts on a given topic, including basic scientists, translational investigators, practicing clinicians, epidemiologists and public health experts. Over the past 19 years, HMS has hosted more than 100 reporters from print, online and broadcast news outlets.
The 2017 thematic tracks are:
· Medicine by the Numbers (April 24-28)
How computation, math and big data are transforming basic discovery, diagnoses, clinical therapies and population health.
· The Quest for Immortality: Rethinking an age-old question (May 15-19)
While scientists uncover the molecular aberrations that fuel cell atrophy and cell demise, evolutionary biologists ponder the limits of human longevity and frontline clinicians develop new therapies to stave off the degeneration and frailty of aging.
This year’s media fellows are:
Medicine by the numbers
Natalia Bronshtein, data journalist and interactives editor, STAT
Faye Flam, science writer; book author, Bloomberg View columnist
Laura Santhanam, data producer; PBS NewsHour
Ron Winslow, freelance science writer; former deputy bureau chief, health and science, The Wall Street Journal
Steph Yin, science journalist, New York Times contributor
The Quest for Immortality
David Freeman, editorial director, NBCNews/MACH; former science editor, Huffington Post
Seth Mnookin, book author; co-director, MIT’s Graduate Program in Science Writing
Alice Park, health and medicine writer, Time magazine
Rebecca Robbins, reporter, business of health and medicine, STAT
Karen Weintraub, health and science journalist, contributor, The New York Times, STAT, Scientific American
To learn more about the HMS media fellowships: