Getting to Know Sara Nolasco, Executive Assistant in Clinical and Academic Affairs

On ice cream, spicy shrimp, and G.I. Jane

Sara Nolasco joined the Office for Clinical and Academic Affairs as an executive assistant in October 2021. MyHMS caught up with her about working at HMS, scooping ice cream, and G.I. Jane.

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MyHMS: What did you do before working at HMS? What brought you here?

Sarah Nolasco

Nolasco: Prior to joining the OCAA team, I was a personal injury litigation paralegal for approximately eight years. I transitioned to academia to obtain a more sustainable work-life balance.

MyHMS: What’s the most interesting or unusual job you’ve had?

Nolasco: I used to sling ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery in high school. We had to sing a song whenever patrons left a tip.

MyHMS: How would you describe your role to someone unfamiliar with what you do?

Nolasco: As executive assistant, I assist the dean of clinical and academic affairs with all scheduling needs, projects, and any other tasks assigned to help the team.

MyHMS: What do you like best about working at HMS?

Nolasco: The best things are the wellness support, fitness classes, yoga, meditation; educational information, such as on home buying; and the employee advancement trainings HMS provides for employees.

MyHMS: What are three things most people don’t know about you?

Nolasco: I love to go horseback riding, snorkeling, and dancing.

MyHMS: What’s your favorite meal to prepare at home? Why?

Nolasco: Spicy garlic shrimp over a bed of thick spaghetti. I love making the sauce from scratch, and it is so easy and delicious.

MyHMS: If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Nolasco: I would want to meet Jordan O’Neil, Demi Moore’s character in the movie G.I. Jane. I think her resilience and determination to fight through any difficult situation is admirable. I would like to pick her brain as to what motivated her to continue to fight when all odds were against her.