Campus Use Rules

Guidance for the Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Dental Medicine Communities

The Campus Use Rules below were released by Harvard University on Aug. 1, 2024. In this Guidance, supplemental local rules for the HMS and HSDM communities have been integrated into the Campus Use Rules where appropriate and are both labeled and in blue below to create a single campus use resource for the HMS and HSDM communities.


Harvard Campus Use Rules

Harvard University’s campus grounds and buildings support faculty, students, staff, other affiliates, and campus visitors in fulfilling the University’s teaching and research mission. Each year the University, its Schools, and affiliates host thousands of events, programs, and other activities to serve that mission and foster the vibrancy of our intellectual and residential community. Given the volume and complexity of the demand for campus resources and to foster the well-being of community members and preserve these resources for future generations, the University must codify the rules, practices, and policies that simultaneously protect and facilitate the use of the University's property.1

The purpose of this document is to establish and make accessible a common set of such University rules for campus space use. Many of these Campus Use Rules are sourced from numerous existing policies, rules, and practices from across the University and are intended to (1) ensure community safety, security and well-being; (2) set expectations for compliance with federal, state, and local laws and University and School rules and policies; and (3) promote orderly event planning and noncompeting space use.2 Schools and non-School based units can supplement these Rules for the spaces that they oversee in ways consistent with these Rules and existing University policy, including but not limited to the University-wide Statement on Rights and Responsibilities. Organizations and/or individuals who do not comply with these Rules may be held financially responsible for any resulting costs incurred and may be subject to other consequences for noncompliance, including referral for discipline, personnel action, and/or confiscation and disposal of items brought onto Harvard property.


Members of the HMS and HSDM community will find further guidance in their respective handbooks:


Events, programs and activities should be planned to accommodate all participants. University Disability Services provides resources and guidelines on planning accessible events and activities.

Alcohol and Illicit Drugs

Alcohol generally is not permitted at events that are open to the entire campus community, especially if the activity is in an outdoor location. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by the relevant Local Contact on a case-by-case basis or in accordance with any local approval process applicable to the campus space in question. All alcohol use must be in compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and University and School rules and policies. Use of illicit drugs is prohibited consistent with federal and state laws and University and School rules and policies.


Please note that events on the HMS/HSDM campuses must also abide by HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and/or HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines. Event hosts must abide by the HMS Alcohol Policy (under General Guidelines on the HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines linked above), and events granted an exception are not permitted to mention the availability of alcohol in any promotional material.

Blackout Dates

Individuals and organizations are generally not permitted to reserve space or host events, programs or activities during reading or exam periods and other restricted dates and times designated by the relevant Local Contact. Schools and non-School based units with responsibility for the space in question may determine additional restricted times and dates based on potential impact on educational, research, and other legitimate University functions.


Please note that events on the HMS/HSDM campuses must also abide by HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and/or HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines, including restrictions for hours on certain spaces and times of year.

Booking Event Space

Requests to use space (indoor or outdoor) must be submitted in advance for approval in accordance with content-neutral standards and relevant local rules and policies established by the School or non-School based unit with oversight responsibility for that space. Approval of a request to use space should not be read as an endorsement of the event or its content.


Use of the HMS or HSDM campus for any activity requires advance registration with HMS Room Scheduling or HSDM Room Scheduling at least one week before the desired date. Registration will require providing information about the planned event as well as agreeing to abide by University and School policies and guidelines, including HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines. Events and activities that may necessitate additional security should aim to register as far in advance as possible.

Requests to reserve outdoor spaces, which are limited to the HMS Quad and Countway Plaza, may necessitate at least two weeks’ notice when one or more aspects of the activity require planning and/or resources from custodial, campus security, and/or other setup/equipment providers, as well as consultation with construction and maintenance regarding ongoing projects. In some cases, permitting from the City of Boston (e.g., alcohol service, electronically amplified sound, catering/food service) is necessary, which is obtained by HMS Room Scheduling and requires approximately six weeks. Additional information about this may be found under the “City of Boston Permitting Requirements for Outdoor Events” section of the Room Scheduling Guidelines. When HMS is able to determine that none of these resources or permits is necessary, shorter activity approval timelines may be possible in consultation with HMS Room Scheduling.

While our campuses are largely open, they are also private property. As such, HMS and HSDM reserve the right to limit participation in on-campus activities to Harvard University ID (HUID) holders.

Building Access/Free Flow of Traffic

Events, programs and activities (including but not limited to exhibits and displays) must not impede or block ingress or egress to or movement within and around campus buildings, classrooms, administrative offices, or other spaces. The blocking of any stairs is prohibited. Blocking or interfering with the free flow of vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle and other forms of personal transport is not permitted.


Camping, whether during the day or overnight, and with or without a tent or other temporary structure, is not permitted unless authorized by the relevant Local Contact.

Chalking or Other Markings

Individuals and organizations are not permitted to chalk, paint, engrave, or otherwise write or draw on any University property without prior written approval from the relevant Local Contact. Any such unauthorized markings will be removed by, or under the direction of, authorized University personnel.

Commercial Activities/Free Giveaways

The University reserves the right to prohibit commercial activities. In particular, the sale, advertisement, and/or free give-away of commercial products is prohibited, unless advance authorization is provided by the relevant Local Contact, and then only in compliance with the Policy on the Use of Harvard Names and Insignias and related use of name policies and guidelines.


Campus exhibits or displays that are to be shown outside of a residential unit, including but not limited to lighting projections, self-mounted displays, multimedia displays, and installations must be proposed in writing to the relevant Local Contact for approval in accordance with local policies, rules, and processes for the campus space in question and approved in advance. Schools and non-School based units may restrict the use of exhibits/displays in the spaces under their control and enforce the conditions established for authorization of displays/exhibits.

Tampering with or removing approved exhibits/displays is not permitted. Unapproved exhibits/displays will be removed by, or under the direction of, authorized University personnel only. Overnight and/or multi-day exhibits/displays, where permitted, may require additional planning and coordination with several University departments to ensure the integrity of the display, the safety of the site, and security of the community. Overnight staffing and security may be required.

Exhibits/Displays generally may not:

  • Affix any items to University property, including but not limited to the exterior of buildings, doors/access points, windows, fences, entry posts, gates, utility or flag poles, waste containers, lighting, furniture, equipment, walls, floors, walkways/pavers, steps, statues, flags, tents, or authorized third party structures (e.g., temporary scaffolding), or trees or other live plants.
  • Affix or utilize cameras, video, amplified sound equipment, including devices capable of such functions, or other media.
  • Expand or modify exhibit/display during on-site installation beyond what has been proposed and approved.

See also, where relevant, Signage/Banners/Postings section, below.


Filming, videotaping, and photographing must comply with existing University rules and policies, including but not limited to the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policy, University-wide Statement on Rights and Responsibilities, and University Policy on Photographing and Filming on Harvard Property. Some state laws also place limits on audio recording, with the potential for criminal and civil penalties for violations, for example, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 272, Section 99.


All requests for filming, videotaping, or photography on the HMS or HSDM campus by external/third parties must be reviewed and approved in advance by emailing the HMS Office of Communications and External Relations or HSDM Office of Communications. Additionally, requests for filming, videotaping, or photography of animals used for research on the Harvard Longwood Campus must comply with the HMS Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) policy on Photographing and Recording Research Animals.

Harvard University Identification Cards

All Harvard affiliates, including but not limited to faculty, staff and students, must present a valid Harvard University identification card at the request of any properly identified University official. For more information, see Harvard University Identification Cards Policy.


While our campuses are largely open, they are also private property. As such, HMS and HSDM reserve the right to limit participation in on-campus activities to Harvard University ID (HUID) holders. For proposed events with outside guests (non-HUID holders), please refer to the “Security for Events” section of the HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines. In addition to complying with requests from a properly identified University official to present a valid HUID, Harvard affiliates must comply with requests to temporarily remove masks or other face coverings that prevent the ability to visually confirm their identity.

Lawns and Planted Areas

There shall be no disturbance of the grounds from staking or other excavations without first obtaining permission from the relevant Local Contact and, if required, Dig Safe. For more information on Dig Safe, see provision on Temporary Structures below.


Excessive noise may not disrupt the campus residences, academic spaces, childcare facilities, or University offices. Amplified sound is not permitted without prior approval, including any necessary municipal permits, and requests for amplified sound will not be approved during reading or exam periods. Requests for approval for amplified sound will be reviewed by the relevant Local Contact with consideration of the surrounding buildings and residential community.


Events on the HMS/HSDM campuses must also abide by HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and/or HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines, including specific parameters for amplified sound in outdoor spaces found in our Outdoor Spaces Guidelines.

Obstruction of Harvard Personnel:

Individuals and organizations may not obstruct, interfere with, intimidate, or harass University personnel in their performance of their normal duties and activities, including under the Rules. Conduct must comply with existing University rules and policies, including but not limited to the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Bullying Policy and the University-wide Statement on Rights and Responsibilities.

Open Flames/Bonfires/Fireworks/Flammable or Hazardous Material:

The use of open flame is generally not permitted; exceptions may be approved in extraordinary cases in accordance with applicable policies of the School or non-School based unit and only with advance written notice to the relevant Local Contact. All approved use of open flame, flammable, or hazardous material must be in compliance with University Environmental Health and Safety guidance and fire and safety policies and may be subject to additional safety restrictions.

State and local agencies may provide additional guidance on fire safety, for example, see Massachusetts Department of Fire Services and


Events on the HMS/HSDM campuses must also abide by HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and/or HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines, including fire and safety regulations and open flame and grilling restrictions found within our Outdoor Spaces policies.

Restricted Areas

No one other than authorized personnel are permitted to access restricted areas of campus.

Security/Occupancy Limits

It is the responsibility of the event host to ensure that maximum occupancy limits are observed at all times. For events, the relevant Local Contact will review anticipated number of attendees to determine if the event space is appropriately sized. Depending on the scope, scale, and nature of an event, it may require an HUPD detail, Securitas officers, and additional staffing. Large events (100 or more people), late night social events, and events with high profile participants are the most common types of events that may require police or security, which may carry additional costs. Multi-day events, including set-up and teardown days, may require a security detail even during non-event times unless an exception to the security detail has been approved by the relevant Local Contact and/or HUPD.


Please note that events on the HMS/HSDM campuses must also comply with HMS Room Scheduling Guidelines and/or HSDM Room Scheduling Guidelines, including specific occupancy guidelines and lead times required for gatherings.


Regardless of whether it is a part of an exhibit or display, nothing should be affixed to University property, including but not limited to the exterior of buildings, doors/access points, windows, fences, entry posts, gates, utility or flag poles, waste containers, lighting, furniture, equipment, walls, floors, walkways/pavers, steps, statues, flags, tents, existing signage, or authorized third party structures (e.g., temporary scaffolding), trees, or other live plants, except in designated locations or with prior written approval from the relevant Local Contact. Banners are allowed only in designated locations or when approved in advance (and in cases where required, installed by) the relevant Local Contact only. See also, where relevant, Exhibits/Displays section, above.

For HMS/HSDM: Posting Policy
  • Permissions: Posting on the HMS and HSDM campuses is permissible only for HMS and HSDM administrative offices/units, academic departments, and student organizations recognized by the appropriate educational program or division (i.e., Program in Medical Education, Office for Graduate Education, Division of Medical Sciences, Office of Dental Education) in connection with events that are open to all members of the campus community. Posting by individuals in their individual capacities is prohibited.
  • Content: Postings may not contain content that is libelous, obscene, invasive of privacy, or otherwise inconsistent with the USRR. They must also comply with the Event Sponsorship and Promotional Material guidance below.
  • Countway Library: The Countway Library of Medicine’s communication policies provide additional guidelines for flyers and digital monitors in the library.
  • Materials and costs: The sponsoring organization is responsible for providing and paying for all copies and supplies associated with the organization’s postings.
  • Poster/Flyer Requirements: Posters/flyers must be no larger than 8.5 by 11 inches and comply with HMS/HSDM conflict of interest policies, student handbooks, and all other School or University policies.
    • Only one poster for each event is permitted on each unrestricted bulletin board when space is available (i.e., it cannot overlap with or encroach upon another posting). Restricted bulletin boards cannot be used without permission.
    • Unrestricted bulletin boards are located in the TMEC Atrium, TMEC 435, NRB Security Desk (keyed but unrestricted), and elsewhere within HSDM. Other locations may exist across campus. Please be mindful of any posted instructions indicating a restricted board and follow those instructions.
    • Sponsoring organizations wishing to display posters in the Vanderbilt Hall residential building must contact the Vanderbilt Business Office, which will advise on placement or place the poster in available space as need.
    • Posters must be removed by the sponsoring organization immediately following the event. HMS/HSDM reserves the right to remove postings that are not removed by the sponsoring organization in a timely manner, and to restrict the ability of the sponsoring organization to post if it fails to remove postings in a timely manner.
  • Student Organization Requirements: In addition to the above guidelines, recognized student organizations wishing to post printed flyers or posters must have them reviewed and marked as compliant with the Posting Policy and Event Sponsorship and Promotional Materials rules outlined herein by the appropriate HMS (Program in Medical Education or Office for Graduate Education) and/or HSDM Office of Student Affairs prior to being posted.
    • Requests by sponsoring organizations to promote approved events or activities to fellow students using student listservs and other student-related email distribution lists (e.g., academic societies, master’s students) should be routed to the appropriate HMS/HSDM Office of Student Affairs, which serves as the moderator of these lists. Students and student organizations are not permitted to create or manage broad email distribution lists.
  • Directional Signage: Event foam core signage is reserved for directional purposes only, must be no larger than 24 by 36 inches, and displayed on easels on the day of the program only. Advance advertising is not permitted due to the importance of safety and traffic flow in building corridors.
    • Easels must be obtained by and are the responsibility of the sponsoring organization. Easels cannot block access to elevators, door/entrance ways, egress, or emergency exits. HMS/HSDM are not responsible for easels left behind and reserve the right to relocate or remove easels that limit accessibility or otherwise do not comply with these guidelines.
  • Digital Screens: Postings that comply with the rules detailed above and the Event Sponsorship and Promotional Material guidance below can be submitted for posting on the 8 large digital screens managed by the HMS Office of Communications and External Relations and located in buildings across the HMS campus. For more information, including eligibility and submission guidance, visit the Community Announcements webpage. Content on HSDM digital screens is curated by the HSDM Office of Communications and the Office of the Dean. All other digital screens on campus are managed by local departments, centers, and units.
  • Email Communications: Institutional email lists (i.e., all faculty, all staff, all students) are used strategically and sparingly to avoid oversaturating recipients with information that is not essential to their role in the community. The primary goal for the offices responsible for each list (i.e., Faculty Affairs, Human Resources, Program in Medical Education) is to communicate targeted, timely, and important information to their constituents. Therefore, emails must be directly relevant to the specific constituency group to whom they are addressed. List owners and moderators must be HMS/HSDM employees. Students are not permitted to serve as owners or moderators of such lists.


All events require a designated Harvard affiliate, Harvard affiliate group, or locally authorized sponsor who will act as the primary liaison to the relevant Local Contact. The sponsoring Harvard individual or organization is responsible for ensuring all trash and other debris is removed after an event and space is returned to its original state as specified by the relevant Local Contact. Co-sponsorship of an event by a Harvard affiliate or Harvard affiliate organization with a non-Harvard or unrecognized student group or individuals generally is not permitted on campus, nor is sponsorship by proxy, unless explicitly permissible under a local policy and if approval has been obtained to use the campus space in question. The sponsoring Harvard designated affiliate organization is responsible for compliance with applicable policies, Campus Use Rules, and applicable laws. All exceptions to this sponsorship requirement must be consistent with the Policy on the Use of Harvard Names and Insignias and related use-of-name policies and guidelines.

For HMS/HSDM: Event Sponsorship and Promotional Materials
  • Primary Logos: The HMS and HSDM primary logos identify institutional responsibility and, therefore, are reserved for use by the respective Dean’s Office or when permission is granted by the School Dean or the Dean’s delegate.
  • Unit Approval: Approval for the use of a unit’s or sub-unit’s name and/or logo must be secured from the head of the unit to which it ultimately reports (i.e., chair, director, officer, or their delegate). The involvement of one or more faculty members does not serve as a substitute for unit-based contributions to and responsibility-taking for a particular event, nor is it grounds for the inclusion of the HMS or HSDM name/logo or the name/logo of an HMS or HSDM unit. Before providing approval, leadership must review a complete list of speakers, event sponsors, organizers, and hosts, and confirm that the title of the event is an accurate and appropriate framing given the subject matter. The event must also comply with HMS’s conflict of interest policies, including those detailed in the Faculty of Medicine Policy on Conflicts of Interest and Commitment, HMS Master’s Student Handbook, HSDM Student Handbook, and GSAS policies governing PhD students.
  • Unit Name/Logo: The name or logo may be used in connection with academic events and must identify all unit committing resources to the event, including those units’ administrative place within the School. For example, a program within a department should identify itself as such and should not identify itself as an independent unit (e.g., Program in XYZ within the Department of ABC). In all cases when the HMS/HSDM name or logo is used in any capacity, a statement must be included on the promotional material near the identification of sponsors, organizers, hosts, and/or the list of speakers explaining that the views expressed at the event do not represent Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, or any of its units or organizations.
  • Role Identification: An HMS/HSDM unit or sub-unit must clearly identify its role in the event using text or through the display of its logo according to the descriptions below. If the unit or sub-unit is not engaged in any of the event roles identified below, its name and/or logo should not be associated with the event.
    • “Sponsored” or “co-sponsored” must be used to identify a financial commitment from the unit/sub-unit (individuals and groups of individuals cannot be sponsors).
    • “Organized” or “co-organized” must be used to identify an administrative or organizational effort by the unit/sub-unit (individuals and groups of individuals cannot be sponsors).
    • “Hosted” or “co-hosted” must be used to identify when an event is being held in a space belonging to that unit or the event is being led by the head of that unit on behalf of the unit or sub-unit (e.g., a chair of an academic department).
    • Importantly, if the event materials do not identify the specific role of all entities, units, and/or sub-units within and outside the School engaged in the event (i.e., identify all the sponsor(s), organizer(s), and host(s)), HMS/HSDM units and sub-units may not use any Harvard name in conjunction with the event or otherwise be affiliated with the event.

Temporary Structures

Temporary structures, including but not limited to professionally installed tents and other types of shelters, may not be installed without prior approval from the relevant Local Contact, the required municipal permit(s), and in some cases direct supervision from University personnel.

All temporary structures must comply with the policies of Harvard’s Office of Environmental Health & Safety. Dig Safe procedures must be followed in all instances where staking or any other form of excavation is required for installation. In the instance of tents, the installation vendor is responsible for notifying Dig Safe and following related procedures. More information regarding Dig Safe can be found In advance of any notification to Dig Safe, the University must also be notified directly through the Harvard Operations Center at 617-495-5560.

Vehicles, Bicycles, and Micromobility Transportation Devices

Affiliates and campus visitors should obey all local signage about wheeled vehicles. No unauthorized motorized vehicles shall be permitted on lawns or planted areas.


Affiliates: Those people who comprise the University community, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, fellows, postdocs, and trainees.


On the Harvard Longwood Campus, the term “affiliates” is used widely to refer to individuals with HMS academic appointments who are based at and/or employed by an HMS-affiliated hospital or research institution. To clarify the use of the term in this document, “affiliates” refers to all Harvard students, staff who are Harvard employees, and faculty, postdocs, fellows, and trainees who have formal academic appointments at HMS, HSDM, or another Harvard school.

Campus: All lands, buildings and facilities owned or operated by Harvard University.

Campus visitors: Those non-affiliates using Harvard space including, but not limited to, vendors, contractors, visitors, event attendees, and guests.

Event: A planned, advertised, or coordinated gathering (including but not limited to speeches, debates, forums, lectures, performances, conferences, social functions, rallies, protests, and demonstrations) that make use of a campus space such that it would preclude or interfere with competing uses or interfere with the normal operations of the campus. Events require registration as set forth in this document.

Local Contact: The Harvard University official designated by a School or non-School based unit to receive requests for use of a space under the School or non-School based unit’s oversight.

Provide Feedback on Harvard's Campus Use Rules

[1] The Harvard Corporation has reviewed and endorses these Campus Use Rules and confirms that the President or the President’s designee may from time to time revise and update those policies as appropriate.

[2] These Rules are to be interpreted consistent with federal, state and local law and are not intended to alter union access rights under any current or future collective bargaining agreement.