Vanderbilt Hall Isolation and Quarantine Policies

Vanderbilt Hall Self-Isolation and Discharge Policies

Beginning December 22nd, 2022 the University will dissolve the Contact Tracing Team and retire the Crimson Clear web app. Students and employees will no longer need to report a positive COVID-19 case to HUHS. Anyone who tests positive will manage their isolation independently by referring to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance. Medical questions should be directed to your individual primary care provider.

Isolation Protocol in the Residence:

Regardless of vaccination status, you should isolate from others when you have COVID-19. You should also isolate if you are sick and suspect that you have COVID-19 but do not yet have test results. If your results are negative, you can end your isolation.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you will need to isolate in your assigned room to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and adhere to the following guidance:

If you had no symptoms:

  • Day 0 is the day you were tested (not the day you receive your result if it differs)
  • Day 1 is the first full day following the day you were tested
  • If you develop symptoms within 10 days of when you were tested, the clock restarts at day 0 on the day of symptom onset

If you had symptoms:

  • Day 0 of isolation is the day of symptom onset, regardless of when you tested positive
  • Day 1 is the first full day after the day your symptoms started

Please note that students can visit the Harvard University Health Services COVID-19 Information website for additional related information. The updated HUHS website provides guidance from the CDC about timing for isolation and when to self-discharge.

You will need to alert the Vanderbilt Business Office immediately upon receipt of a positive notification, this notification will only be used to initiate a no-entry order for facilities and security in non-emergent circumstances for 11 days post notification.

We strongly advise that every student prepare a self-isolation kit upon or prior to their arrival/return to campus. It should include the following: acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), thermometer, snacks, bottled water, your prescription medication, and personal care items (cough drops, contact lens fluid, tissues) etc.

When in isolation you may not leave your room except to collect deliveries of meals/prepared groceries, use the bathroom, dispose of trash, or for a pre-approved appointment at HUHS or your medical provider. You may not attend class, do laundry, use the gym or socialize during this time.


  • Bathrooms: Please make sure that you are masked unless showering, bathing, or performing facial grooming or oral hygiene tasks. Please limit your time in the bathroom to the minimum time that is necessary and remain masked while entering and exiting. Where possible, time unmasked activities to when a restroom is unoccupied. Hallway bathrooms will continue to be cleaned and disinfected by custodial staff – please do not enter the space while the custodial staff are working. 
  • Isolating Elsewhere: If you choose to isolate off-campus your plans must meet the following expectations: you do not use public transportation to get there, you do not use a hotel for isolation, you do not put vulnerable people at risk of infection, and you have access to food, medicine/medical care, and supplies to last you at least five days. If you choose to isolate elsewhere, please notify the Vanderbilt Business Office.
  • Masking: You must wear a well-fitted face covering or mask any time you are leaving your room during isolation. Avoid unnecessary interaction with others when leaving isolation for essential needs and maintain physical distancing to the extent possible. Use high-quality disposable masks such as a 3-layered surgical style mask, worn in a way that minimizes air gaps around the edges (e.g., knot the ear loops, or double masks with a cloth or second mask). 
  • Meals: You will be expected to provide your own meals for the duration of your isolation. Please note, you will NOT be able to use any shared kitchen on your floor during this time. You are welcome to, and it is the preferred option to order meals/prepared groceries from a delivery service (ie Doordash, UberEats, Peapod, Amazon Fresh etc) and you are able to leave your room to collect such deliveries so long as you are masked and limit interactions with others. If you do not have a mini fridge in your room and/or require a microwave, one can be supplied to you for the duration of your isolation. You are also welcome to ask a friend/neighbor to pick up take-out from anywhere including any of the four dining outlets on campus during operating hours Monday-Friday, so long as they drop outside your door and do not enter your room to deliver.
  • Questions about Packages/Mail: Consider asking your RA or Residence Life Manager for help with picking up mail/packages, and other items. They should drop these items at your door for retrieval.
  • Support: It can be stressful and lonely to be separated from others, particularly if you have concerns about your health. In addition to the HUHS number above, you can contact Counseling and Mental Health Services at 617-495-2042 and select the “CAMHS Cares Line” 24/7 to speak with a counselor.
  • Trash Removal: You can drop off your trash at the trash room nearest to your room. Please time any exits for trash removal to coincide with other trips (bathroom, food delivery pick-up) to minimize the amount of time spent outside of your room.
  • Whom do I contact for help?
    • Medical emergency: 911
    • Non-emergency medical advice: contact HUHS at 617-495-5711 or Counseling and Mental Health Services: 617-495-2042 CAMHS Cares line 24/7
    • Harvard Chaplains:
    • Routine building maintenance issues: During isolation, facilities and security will be notified that no entry of your room is to be made other than in an emergency. Routine maintenance will be postponed until after your release. In the event of any emergency or alarm, you should exit the building as normal, but ensure you are wearing a mask, identify yourself to a security person and maintain distance from others.
    • Vanderbilt Business Office:

As a reminder, you are to remain in your room except to pick up meal deliveries, to use the bathroom, to dispose of your trash, or to attend necessary medical appointments. Avoid any socializing or mingling with any other students, faculty or staff when leaving your room for these purposes.

Academic Accommodations:

You cannot attend class in-person as long as you are in isolation. Students are responsible for ensuring that they keep up with their courses when they go into isolation for COVID.

Specifically, students should:

  • Make arrangements with other students to exchange notes if they have to miss class.
  • Notify their Society Director as soon as possible to coordinate alternative methods of learning. Students are not required to show a doctor’s note to be granted an excused absence from class. Instead, they are encouraged to email their Society Director to let them know that they are unable to attend class due to a Crimson Clear designation and copy the Office of Student Affairs.
  • Let your Society Director know if you are not feeling well enough to carry on with the work to see what flexibility might be possible.
  • Discuss a plan to stay on top of coursework if you run into any challenges in maintaining academic continuity during isolation/illness

Duration & Self-Discharge:

  • You will self-isolate for at least five full days.
  • Please note that the day you test positive is considered day zero, followed by days one through five.
  • You will not be able to have any visitors, but you should keep in touch with your friends and family electronically.

If you had no symptoms:

  • You may end isolation after day 5

If you had symptoms and:

  • Your symptoms are improving:
    • You may end isolation after day 5 if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication
  • Your symptoms are not improving:
    • Continue to isolate until you are fever-free for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication and your symptoms are improving.

If you had symptoms and had:

  • Moderate illness (shortness of breath or difficulty breathing)
    • You need to isolate through day 10
  • Severe illness (you were hospitalized) or have a weakened immune system
    • You need to isolate through day 10
    • Consult your doctor before ending isolation
    • Ending isolation without a viral test may not be an option for you

Regardless of when you end isolation, until at least day 11:

  • For the continued safety of the community:
    • Avoid being around people who are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19
    • You must wear a mask at all times when leaving your room or interacting with others; this means no dining with others (though you are welcome pick up to-go food from the campus dining outlets at this point) and no other mask-free activities until after day 10 (with two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, you may remove your mask sooner than day 10)