Wesley Wong | Molecular Nanoscale Machines and Disease March 8, 2023 Understanding biology through single molecule manipulation at the smallest scales
Caroline Shamu | Enabling Scientific Discovery through New Technology March 6, 2023 Shared research facilities provide laboratories access to highly specialized equipment
Silvi Rouskin | Using RNA to Understand Viruses February 27, 2023 Probing how RNA molecules fold to illuminate life, infection, and disease
Michel Springer | Tackling Global Issues with Synthetic Biology February 22, 2023 Harnessing the power of biology to detect disease and fight climate change
Aleena Garner | Neural Circuits and Processing Multisensory Information February 8, 2023 How the brain interprets sensory input to form a model of the world
Lauren Orefice | Novel Strategies to Treat Autism and Sensory Disorders January 27, 2023 How sensory processing shapes our nervous systems, personalities, and behaviors
Carlos Ponce | How Neurobiology and AI Can Advance Each Other January 27, 2023 Using machine learning models to help uncover how we experience the visual world
Tom Kirchhausen | Exploring Cells with 3D Light Microscopy June 27, 2022 Peering inside cells to see how they eat, communicate, and function
Michael Baym | Microbial Evolution and Antibiotic Resistance June 27, 2022 Predicting the evolution of bacteria to help inform future therapies
Zirui Song | Making Health Care More Sustainable and Equitable June 27, 2022 The intersection of health care, economics, and health policy
Andrew Kruse | Molecular Activity Behind Human Physiology and Disease June 27, 2022 Exploring the receptors that underlie hormones and neurotransmitters
Maha Farhat | DNA of Bacteria and Antibiotic Resistance June 27, 2022 How computation can fight the spread of infection