David H. Roberts, MD
David H. Roberts was appointed in March 2014 as the inaugural dean for external education at Harvard Medical School. An HMS alumnus and associate professor of medicine, Dr. Roberts completed his internal medicine training at Massachusetts General Hospital and a pulmonary and critical care fellowship in the Harvard Combined Program. Building his career as a pulmonologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, much of Dr. Roberts' work has focused on the intersection of medicine and medical education, earning him a national reputation as a highly collaborative and innovative medical educator. At Beth Israel Deaconess he served as the associate director of the Carl J. Shapiro Institute for Education and Research, director of its Office of Undergraduate Medical Education, and director of its Academy of Medical Educators. He has directed both HMS preclinical courses and the Beth Israel Deaconess Principal Clinical Experience. David also is a member of the The Academy at HMS, and, until recently, served as the Academy's associate director. Over the years he has received numerous teaching awards, including the coveted HMS Faculty Prize for Excellence in Teaching.
Email: david_roberts@hms.harvard.edu
Phone: 617-432-3638