Helena Franco in front of Gordon HallWhat experience has shaped your time at HMS?
My fellow Master of Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery classmates have shaped my time most at HMS. We come from 16 different countries and have become very close over the past two years. While our paths to Harvard have been different, we’ve woven stories of how we grew during our shared journey to create a tapestry of unique strengths and talents. I've loved learning alongside and from them!

Who or what motivates your work at HMS?
My work at HMS is motivated by the late Dr Paul Farmer. Attending his Gen Ed 1093 lectures were a highlight of my first semester – every student in the full auditorium transfixed as he bestowed the truth of walking alongside others to meaningfully improve communities. Our class was the last to have had the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to be directly taught by Farmer, the last to listen to his jokes, and the last to sit in his inspirational lecturers.

What was your path to your current role?
I grew up in Brisbane, Australia, and completed medical school in Queensland, Australia, and worked as an orthopaedic surgery pre-SET registrar in several hospitals, most recently at the Cairns Hospital in Far North Queensland. I’ve loved the adventure at HMS, though sometimes miss home on the other side of the world!

What is your motto?
My favorite quote is from the former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who said, “I refuse to believe that you cannot be both compassionate and strong.” Ardern spoke at the 2022 Harvard Commencement on the fragility of democracy and the need to treat points of difference with empathy and kindness. I love this quote, and think it encapsulates her leadership style so well, and one I try to emulate.

What is your favorite way to relax, unwind, and recharge?
Growing up in Australia, I have always loved to swim – indoors, outdoors or at the beach. One of my favorite ways to unwind is to swim a few laps at the Blodgett Pool, especially when joined by my classmates, Susana and Shawna. When it’s warm enough, I enjoy running along the Charles River while listening to some good music. Though, nothing beats Facetime with friends or family.