Yasmin Escobedo Lozoya with a colleague in the labPronouns: she, her, hers

What experience has shaped your time at HMS?
Collaborating with other postdocs to advocate for the formation of the Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the genetics department, and creating the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Colloquia of Extramural Postdoc Talks (INCEPT) program in the neurobiology department.

What activities or experiences, outside of your job, inform who you are in your role at HMS?
My informal mentoring of the students and postdocs who have reached out to me.

What are your favorite words?
Apapacho, petrichor, kintsukirioi, maya, and yugen.

What are you currently reading or, what is your favorite book of all time?
So many books have shaped my thinking over the years. Professionally, I found “23 Problems in Systems Neuroscience,” “Beyond Neurotransmission,” and “Rhythms of the Brain” highly impactful. Personally, “El laberinto de la soledad,” “El amor, las mujeres y la vida,” and the short stories of Chekhov, Calvino, and Borges stand out.

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at HMS?
I've learned I belong.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My greatest achievements are the relationships I have built with my peers. When I walk down the hallway and people say, “Hi,” I feel the love.

What makes you laugh?
All our little human foibles. I bet God finds us adorable.