What is your most treasured possession or HMS memento?
One memento that holds a special place in my heart is a group photo I took with colleagues at an HMS retreat. As an Asian-Malaysian student, I struggled to express myself in an unfamiliar academic environment, but HMS friendships made me feel comfortable. This photo captures not just smiling faces but reflects the warmth, diversity, and inclusivity I found at HMS. I am proud to be part of this community and grateful for the experiences that have shaped me.
Who is the most influential person in your life?
My late younger sister, Evelyn Khoo Xiling. She bravely battled breast cancer from age 29 to 34, remaining resilient, compassionate, and selfless until the end. Her grace and strength inspire me still. I'm grateful for the time we had and the lessons she taught me. Her influence shapes me today. She will always hold a special place in my heart.