,h>v>d ,m$ical ,s*ool ,div]s;y ,/ate;t ,h>v>d ,m$ical ,s*ool is committ$ to 3v5+ & nurtur+ a div]se commun;y ( 9dividuals d$icat$ to promot+ excell;e & l1d]%ip 9 m$ic9e & sci;e "? $uca;n1 rese>*1 cl9ical c>e & s]vice4 ,\r unique p]spectives1 tal5ts1 exp]i;es & 3tribu;ns z ,,hms /ud5ts1 tra9ees1 faculty1 /aff & adm9i/rators >e ! f.da;n & driv]s ( \r excell;e4 ,we ac"kl$ge ! /r5g?s & w1k;ses ( \r hi/ory & actively promote social ju/ice1 *all5ge 4crim9a;n & address 4p>ities & 9equities4 ,we celebrate ! multiple dim5.ns ( div]s;y t ea* memb] ( \r commun;y (f]s1 9clud+1 b n limit$ to1 race1 e?nic;y1 sex1 g5d] id5t;y1 sexual ori5ta;n1 socioeconomic circum/.e1 na;nal orig91 geographic backgr.d1 immigra;n /atus1 abil;y & 4abil;y1 physical "*i/ics1 vet]an /atus1 political ideology1 religi\s 2lief & age4 ,we provide a safe 5viron;t ": all memb]s ( \r commun;y c 5gage 9 dialogue1 "q1 le>n & 3tribute to _! fulle/ pot5tial4 ,we respect ! dign;y ( all memb]s ( \r commun;y & aspire to 5sure t all feel valu$ & support$4 ,we provide $uca;n & tra9+ t emphasize respect = di6];es 9 culture1 language & life exp]i;e & t address bo? h1l? 4p>ities & ! role t implicit & explicit bias c play 9 deci.n mak+4 ,we adv.e div]s;y & 9clu.n 9 recruit;t1 admis.ns1 hir+1 ret5;n & promo;n4 ,we prioritize div]s;y & 9clu.n z we develop ,,hms policies1 practices & proc$ures4 ,we support commun;y 5gage;t & "pn] ) \r local1 na;nal & global communities to adv.e ! div]s;y pipel9e & elim9ate h1l? 4p>ities4 ,we 3t9u\sly monitor \r div]s;y & 9clu.n ef=ts to 5sure t ! \tcomes br+ ,,hms clos] to reflect+ ! div]s;y #c f.d 9 \r pati5ts1 commun;y & na;n4 ,we ea* 2l;g to ! ,,hms commun;y4 ,we >e ,h>v>d ,m$ic9e4